I’m knocking on the door of 30 hours of goal setting.
Everyone’s goals fell overwhelmingly into one of three categories: Skill Acquisition, Body Composition Change, and adopting productive habits around health. I’ve written, podcasted, and video’d ad nauseam on that last point, so figured it’d be a good time to chat about the first two.
Skill Acquisition – Generally speaking, everyone would like to to acquire some new skill – double-unders, pull-ups, handstands…and the list goes on. Here’s the problem: when the rubber meets the road, it’s a win to just walk in the door. Most of us are so exhausted at the end of the day that we just want a coach to tell us what to do. It’s much more difficult to expend that mental energy for 5 minutes a day on a pull-up program.
Body Composition Change – You’ve probably heard Coach Josh say at some point: “Intensity Drives Adaptation.” With intensity enters time – on several levels. Your intensity will differ at 2 minutes and 20 minutes. Your strength gains will differ by allocating 15 minutes vs. allocating 50 minutes to hypertrophy training. But, you don’t need to overthink it. There are 4 basic “Time Zones” you work in: 1) 2-6 minutes, 2) 8-15, 3) 20+, and 4) Strength Training. By focusing in on each of these adaptations, you’ll see an accelerated positive body composition change. Furthermore, time spent in class on one adaptation – by nature (remember: time is a zero sum game) – will reduce time in others.