Fundamentals II


High Hang, Mid Hang, Non-Heaving Snatch Balance, 1st Pull…

My favorite thing about CrossFit is that there’s always somewhere to go. You’ll never adapt. You’ll never stop seeing results. You’ll never get bored.

You see, we’ve taken the focus off the mirror and the scale and put it on skill development.

BUT, all those things are hard and intimidating! For that reason, Head Coach Josh has developed a Fundamentals II program. Practice makes perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect…er. Here’s your chance to work on all those skills.

When: Mondays 6:45pm in the Fundamentals area of the gym.
What: High skill movement development & progression
Who: Anyone who has graduated Fundamentals and is a member of The Hill.

This class is included with any unlimited group class membership. Enjoy!

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