Athlete Christi Crumpecker shares how to BULLET PROOF your workout routine by stetting achievable goals, allowing for pain & joy and finding your tribe, to name a few. Like Chisti, you help make CrossFit Memorial Hill such an incredible fitness tribe.
I keep this quote inside my front door. It’s my pep talk to myself before I leave for the day. Hanging in my bathroom:
“In this house, we do difficult things”
On the back of my closet door, I’ve pasted some favorite movie lines that, while profanity-filled, reveal that courage is the reward for doing the thing you were scared to do.
I’m afraid of a lot of things, everyday. Big things, little things. Ones that scare you, too, and ones you’ve never thought of. As many of you know, I struggle with chronic depression and anxiety that sometimes leave me paralyzed with grief and worry. They have kept me out of the gym for months at a time, made medical training a struggle, and strained many of my relationships. Last fall and winter were difficult; I gave in to overwork and stopped maintaining my healthy practices…