October Committed Club

As the year comes to a close, we begin to think about our goals; Some we forgot about, some we’re working towards, and others we’re planning for next year. You all continue to show up for yourself because you know it’s what you deserve – to treat your body to movement and endorphins. Cheers to another month in the Committed Club, and if it’s your first time – Welcome!

  1. Jeremy Evers, 17 classes
  2. Lynn Newkirk, 16 classes
  3. Katie Howland, 14 classes
  4. Colby Dolan, 14 classes
  5. Dustin Green, 13 classes
  6. Kylea Meneilly, 13 classes
  7. Bruno Rodriguez Escobedo, 12 classes
  8. Steve Busser, 12 classes
  9. Peter Batchelder, 12 classes
  10. Myranda Prather, 11 classes
  11. Lauren Kepler, 11 classes
  12. Aaron Verhei, 11 classes
  13. Chip Gibson, 11 classes
  14. Edna Lopez Martinez, 11 classes
  15. Jamie Caume, 10 classes

You can join them! Check in to 10 or more group classes (Fitness or Yoga), and win prizes along the way.

Committed Club rewards:

1 month –> Free FitAid

3 months in a row –> Exclusive T-shirt

6 months in a row –> Engraved tumbler

Introduction to Mental Fitness for Performance Enhancement

Know the power of your mind and program it for success!

Our mental fitness program aims to provide evidence-based techniques to unlock fresh perspectives, enabling you to live a better life. Because you deserve it!

If followed consistently and with enthusiasm (don’t treat it like a chore) you will break free from recurring patterns of negativity that hold you back year after year.

Our minds are designed to keep us safe.. it’s a natural part of our evolution, and our human nature. Stay where you are comfortable, safe, familiar.

The problem with this fundamental truth of our mind is that it can hold us back from realizing our full potential (limiting beliefs, self doubt, negative self talk, lack of confidence, indecisiveness the list goes on and on).

You don’t have to feel stressed, worried and overworked in pursuit of your dreams. But you do need tools to rely on when things start to pile up.

Simple intentional habits each day can make a big impact over time.  That’s why we developed the Mental Fitness Toolkit.

The Mental Fitness Toolkit for Performance Enhancement:

  1. Mindfulness: Cultivate present-moment awareness to enhance focus, reduce stress, and optimize performance.
  2. Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate the resources, opportunities, and support that contribute to your success and growth.
  3. Positive Self-Talk: Replace limiting beliefs and self-doubt with affirming and empowering thoughts to boost confidence and motivation.
  4. Visualization: Harness the power of your imagination to vividly envision success, enhancing belief, and performance outcomes.
  5. Reflection: Take time to review and learn from your experiences, celebrating victories, and identifying areas for improvement.

You deserve to be happy, at peace, content, fulfilled, focused, inspired and excited to wake up and take on each day and we know you can be!

By embracing these practices, you can transcend the limitations of your mind, unlock your full potential, and elevate your performance in all areas of life. Intellectual, professional, relational, and prioritization gains await you on this transformative journey.

We will show you how!

Continuum: A Mental and Physical training program designed for the Everyday Athlete.

Mental Fitness challenge begins June 5th,  click here to sign up!


For years, The Hill KC has been helping people transform their lives through evidence-based physical fitness.

But we know that looking good in a swimsuit isn’t enough to truly improve your quality of life.

To truly thrive in life, you need to cultivate healthy physical habits like working out and eating well, as well as healthy mental habits like mindfulness, positive self-talk, gratitude, and resilience.

Continuum goes beyond the physical fitness, seamlessly integrating mental training tactics to prepare you for the everyday challenges of life, guiding you towards peak performance and ultimate well being.


Take a look at the image above. This is the spectrum, far left is heavy mental focus, far right is the physical focus.

As we move through life things change, our priorities shift and your focus will move along this Continuum.

Just because you can’t make it the gym 5 times a week, doesn’t mean you can’t still train!

At The Hill we meet you where you are.

It’s not just about setting goals, it’s about setting the right goals, at the right time.

The quicker you realize how big the role your mindset and mental habits play in your overall success, the quicker you can let go of the pressure, release resistance and begin to thrive regardless of life’s circumstance.

We can help YOU achieve a greater level of satisfaction with life than you ever thought possible.

And it starts by incorporating our Mental Fitness Training program that we will introduce next.

We offer 3 levels of Membership that you can structure on your own to create a plan that works for you. To learn more about Continuum and the programs we offer at The Hill KC, please click here.

Our goal is to help you live more present to truly soak in the good times and build resilience for when times get tough.

We are kicking off our new program with a Mental Fitness Challenge on June 5th! If you are interested in finding out more or to sign up, click here and fill out form! 

Innovative Concept coming to downtown KC!

There is something new and interesting happening in downtown KC!

When Laura Johnston, owner of Ready Set Flow Yoga, and Matt Scanlon, owner of the longtime CrossFit gym in downtown KC—The Hill KC, began collaborating they immediately knew they were on to something big.

“What I realized in my many years of doing yoga at a studio inside a CrossFit gym, was that yoga, for most was very polarizing and misunderstood. I had an interesting perspective of trying to recruit CrossFitters to do yoga.

What do CrossFitters say about Yoga?

Typically people would say, ‘I would try yoga, but I’m not flexible—I can’t even touch my toes.” I know they say this to be nice, but I also knew that they had completely missed the point.

Is yoga about flexibility?

Sure…but the folks that actually give it a chance realize that the mental aspect is much more life changing than the ability to balance on one leg or touch your toes.

Most people will never experience the benefits of yoga because.. it’s yoga. 

I knew these mental tools could change peoples lives at a time when anxiety and depression seem to be at an all time high. But in order to do so, I had to step out of the yoga studio and repackage the mental fitness elements for the everyday athlete.”

What is mental fitness?

While mental fitness is a term that has been gaining popularity over the years, it’s definition has always been vague, not actionable and certainly not approachable to the every day person.

Who is practicing Mental Fitness?

There are millions of dollars invested in mental fitness every year, but most, if not all, of that money is found in professional sports organizations or executive programs in places like Silicon Valley. To help top performers have the mental capacity to perform at their best, when their best is needed.

At the core of these programs are a simple set of tools that when implemented consistently can truly change someone’s life. We believe that these tools and the program supporting these tools shouldn’t only be available to the rich. That’s why we created this program — The Mental Fitness Toolkit.

Who is the everyday athlete?

You Are! The everyday athlete is all of us. The student preparing for a big test, the business owner tackling each days problems, the professional preparing for a big meeting or presentation, a working parent trying to balance it all or anyone in between.

We all want to be the best version of ourselves and show up when the moment calls for it. Our program is designed to help you achieve your goals and rise to the challenge no matter what it may be.

The gym—aka the lab.

While we have a Mental Fitness specific program and classes, we also use our group fitness classes in the gym, aka “the lab,” as a controlled environment to practice and perfect these tools to go out into your every day arena and kill it! The mental tools we use in the gym are subtle and not so in your face like you would find in a yoga class. But they are very intentional and create an environment that empowers the individual to take accountability for their health in a way that resonates with them.

Training for Real Life

“When Laura first came to me with this idea, I was hesitant. I agreed that the Mental Fitness Toolkit could be a great resource, but initially I didn’t see how it could be incorporated into the gym setting. Then I realized that the skills found in this toolkit are exactly what we have been trying to equip our members with all along. We used things like attendance challenges, accountability text messages, and competition. But we never were able to get to the root of the issue — actually empowering YOU with the tools.

We are continuing to Evolve

I’m 10 years older now and so is The Hill. It’s clear that our path forward is to empower you to carry the lessons learned in ‘the lab’ through your daily life.

Are we still CrossFit? 

There are things about the CrossFit culture that really resonate with me and our community. One thing in particular is the novel programming that CrossFit deploys and the sense of community that CrossFit brings.

We don’t plan on letting go of any of that. But there are also some things that don’t resonate with me. Like being so hyper focused on your performance in the gym that you forget to do something cool with all that fitness.

Incorporating the Mental Fitness training reinvigorates the idea of training for real life. Not just to have the fastest times or heaviest lifts. But to show up in life as your best self and rise to the challenges that each day brings.”

The Mental Fitness Toolkit is part of a larger program called Continuum soft launching this May at The Hill KC! To learn more about this program, complete form below or check out our website by clicking here!

Laura Johnston, Continuum Founder, Ready Set Flow Yoga Founder

Matt Scanlon Co-founder The Hill KC, CEO 321 GoProject