Elise Hubbard

Elise Hubbard is 8 months pregnant and she is our Featured Athlete for the month of July. During her pregnancy, Elise has done CrossFit workouts about 3 times per week. This was the same routine she had for the 2 ½ years prior to becoming pregnant.

Why did she decide to continue doing CrossFit during her pregnancy? “To stay healthy, and to have a healthy baby.” Elise has taken a very measured approach to working out while pregnant, she approaches every workout by feel and has set aside her athletic goals, instead focusing on moving well and having a good time.

Here are some of the scaling options that Elise has utilized during her pregnancy:

Run… Row

Burpees… Box push up and jump

Sit ups… Russian Twists

Barbell snatch… dumbbell snatch

Power clean… deadlift

Pull up… ring row

Elise works as a landscape architect. She spends much of her day sitting and has found working out to be the highlight of her day. It helps to get up and move.

Elise is one of four pregnant women at The Hill right now and there seems to be a common theme: do exactly what you’re comfortable with and no more. Each of these women have a history with CrossFit and look forward to jumping right back into the swing of things after the baby is born.

Congratulations to Elise and her husband John. We can’t wait to meet your healthy, happy baby and we wish your wonderful little family all the best.