How to make the most of Open Gym:
- Play well with others
- Only come during scheduled hours
- Follow the posted rules
- Be respectful of all
- Find out what your other attendees are doing
- Do a WOD you missed from that week
- Add in strict gymnastics… 3-5 sets x 5-15 reps of pull ups, push ups, lunges or toes to bar
- Mobilize trouble areas
- Practice a skill
High Value Workouts:
- Simple strength and conditioning
- Work up to a heavy set of 3: back squat, deadlift or strict press
- Run a mile or row 2000 meters
- “Cindy has the runs”
- 20 minute AMRAP: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats, 100 meter run
- 21-15-9: burpees & heavy kettlebell swings