October Featured Athlete: Bob Hamilton

Lover of cleans,

reading, and

Stroud’s cinnamon rolls!


Bob is a faithful 6am-er, comes in early to mobilize, and exudes kindness. What a guy!! Be sure to give him a high five when you see him next! 


  1. What’s your athletic background?

I played volleyball in high school. I was absolutely terrible! After that, it was mainly weightlifting and running on my own.

  1. What was your first experience with CF?

I dabbled in it on my own using the WODs online. I joined another unnamed CF gym in KC about two years ago, but wasn’t feeling it.

  1. When did you start CF?

January of this year.

  1. Why did you choose CrossFit Memorial Hill?

I was referred by Mike Russo, and the whole Fundamentals and class experience sealed the deal.

  1. What keeps you coming back?

Definitely the coaches, athletes and community.

  1. Why do you live in KC and how do you like to spend your free time?

I moved here for work back in 2012. In my free time, I read a lot, have recently gotten into hiking, I brew beer, and am a huge Chiefs fan.

  1. What do you like about KC?

I like how everything is pretty close. In Saint Louis you can spend 30 minutes just getting from one spot to the next, but I can be pretty much anywhere I want in 15 minutes here.

  1. What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?

I am much better at the more complex movements and feel like new movements in general come easier.

  1. What are your goals for 2017?

I am currently trying to lose body fat so I’d like to get to about 10 – 13%.

  1. What would you say to someone thinking about starting CF?

Sign up for Fundamentals! Probably the biggest step and everything after that is showing up.

  1. What’s your favorite & least favorite CF movement?

I love cleans. I am not the biggest fan of jerks because of limited mobility.

  1. What’s your favorite cheat meal?

Pizza…or Stroud’s, those cinnamon rolls are the best food ever.

  1. Anything else you would like to share with The Hill family?

I used to be in the Air Force at Whiteman AFB; the support CF and especially the Hill shows towards the military is amazing. Anything else just ask!

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