April Featured Athlete: Dan Heizman

Lover of his family,
fire fighting,
Mexican food, and
Power Cleans!





  1. What’s your athletic background?

    I grew up playing a number of different sports including football, baseball, tennis, wrestling and I even tried to run track but quickly found that I hated running long distances.  When I went to college, I found rugby and ended up playing for about 12 years.

  2. What was your first experience with CF?

    A fellow firefighter introduced me to CrossFit and talked me into coming down to the old Rivermarket CrossFit to try it out.

  3. When did you start CF?

    I think my first CrosFiit classes were about 5 years ago.

  4. Why did you choose CrossFit Memorial Hill?

    I moved back to Brookside after a little stint living in the northland and was looking for a new box closer to home.  After dropping in and checking out a few, I found Memorial Hill and knew it was my spot.  We have a large space, a great community and great coaches.

  5. What keeps you coming back?

    I feel like crap if I don’t workout regularly.  I also quit playing rugby due to my body getting old and not recovering properly, as well as work and family time obligations.  CrossFit gives me just enough of that competitive camaraderie and it helps me get out the stress I used to burn off by colliding with other people.

  6. Why do you live in KC and how do you like to spend your free time?

    I was fortunate enough to get a job with KCFD when I was 21, so I’m stuck in KC for at least a dozen more years.  Plus, now I have some little ones that will keep me around town at least until they graduate.

  7. What do you like about KC?

    I’m not actually a huge fan of KC… lol.  Cost of living is good, I’ve got a lot of friends, we actually have pretty solid food choices, and if you don’t count Kansas we are really close to Colorado.

  8. What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?

    When I stopped playing rugby I got pretty out of shape and gained a decent amount of weight.  CrossFit has got me back to where I was athletically and once I focused on my diet, I am probably as fit and healthy as I was when I got on the fire department.

  9. What are your goals for 2017?

    I’d like to add muscle, lose fat, and continue to progress on my gymnastic movements.  Increasing my PR’s would be nice too, I  suppose.

  10. What would you say to someone thinking about starting CF?

    Stop thinking about it and do it.  If you give it a month, you’ll know if it’s for you.  If it is, it will change your life.

  11. What’s your favorite & least favorite CF movement?

    Favorite would be Power Clean. It was the only movement I excelled at in high school.  I doubled my body weight on PC in high school, granted I only weighed 125.  Least favorite would be snatch, of any kind.  Barbell, dumbbell, kettle bell.

  12. What’s your favorite cheat meal?

    Mexican food is pretty awesome.  Alcohol isn’t a meal but I’d throw it in there.  It also goes great with the Mexican food.

  13. Anything else you would like to share with The Hill family?

    Just want to say thanks to everybody who makes Memorial Hill what it is; owners, coaches, and athletes.  You all make it actually enjoyable to go punish ourselves day in and day out with the hope that we come out the other side just a little better.

The Hill: March Newsletter


Join us every Friday night 5-7pm to do that week’s Open workout with your friends!
Learn More >

Come out Friday, March 24th to celebrate with Rico’s tacos!

Start tracking those PR’s today. Pick up a journal or get access to Beyond the Whiteboard workout tracking for just $15!

With the Open in full swing, you may find that you have some skills you want to get extra help on. Grab a coach and ask them about scheduling a skill session today!



March’s Featured Athlete

Natalie Dees

“Everyone at The Hill makes it fun to push yourself mentally and physically and I love that you all provide a fantastic place for us all to come and just be better people all around.”

Lover of Top Golf, patio drinks and Olympic lifts, meet our newest intern and this month’s Featured Athlete!




From the Coach’s Corner

Tonos Radio: Calorie Bomb

Learn some sustainable strategies for maintaining a reasonable caloric intake! [Subscribe on iTunes]


“What Works for You?”

Enjoy the process of finding out what works for you…


March Featured Athlete: Natalie Dees

Lover of Top Golf, patio drinks and Olympic lifts, meet our newest intern and this month’s Featured Athlete!







  1. What’s your athletic background?

    Growing up I played volleyball and softball; through college I dabbled in running, and now I’m just a washed up intramural player and wannabe CrossFitter

  2. What was your first experience with CF?

    A girl I worked with in college talked me in to going with her to a gym we had started hearing a little bit about. (Mind you, she was about a foot taller than me). We show up, and the coach told us we were doing a mile buddy carry, so I had to give this giant a piggyback ride for a mile since I wasn’t nearly strong/coordinated enough to do a fireman’s carry. It was ridiculous.

  3. When did you start CF?

    I dipped my toe in the CF pond in college; but, didn’t get ‘serious’ about it until about 2 years ago

  4. Why did you choose CrossFit Memorial Hill?

    A coworker wouldn’t stop singing The Hill’s praises when I was in the market for a new gym, and also I low key stalked girls from The Hill at a CF competition and thought they seemed pretty alright, so I gave it a try

  5. What keeps you coming back?

    There are too many thing to name; I love coming to hang out with my friends each day and have an opportunity to encourage one another in something that we can all relate to, no matter everyone’s individual skill level or ability. Everyone at The Hill makes it fun to push yourself mentally and physically and I love that you all provide a fantastic place for us all to come and just be better people all around. Also, I really appreciate that no matter what kind of day you’re having, you can drop in, be with people who care about your wellbeing, and leave in a better mood. Win, win, win.

  6. Why do you live in KC and how do you like to spend your free time?

    I moved to KC after college for my job. Is there a better place than KC to crunch numbers? I’m always down for a sporting event, showing off my golf skills at Top Golf, or patio drinks

  7. What do you like about KC?

    I love that there’s always something going on if you just want to get out and do cool things or mingle  – First Fridays, Boulevardia, shopping West Bottoms, etc.

  8. What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?

    Finding a way to workout that’s fun and exciting makes it so easy to stay committed to being healthy so that’s definitely a plus. Also, I think having a community of like-minded people valuable in so many ways. Lastly, I can pick up heavy things and put them back down whenever I feel like it.

  9. What are your goals for 2017?

    I have a list of about 12 things; but, I won’t bore you with the details. I think my top goals for 2017 are: improving T2B & HSPUs and getting up & down the darn peg board

  10. What would you say to someone thinking about starting CF?

    I’d just say that it may seem intimidating to walk into a gym for the first time where it’s loud and seems chaotic with a lot going on; but, at the end of the day even people who have been doing it for years still have that little internal struggle over whether they really want to go to the gym after a long day, etc. but the hardest part is showing up. So, if you can just get yourself to walk in the door, the rest is easy.

  11. What’s your favorite & least favorite CF movement?

    Favorite = Olympic lifts (all of them), Least favorite = thrusters

  12. What’s your favorite cheat meal?

    Any sweets I can get my hands on. Cookie Monster.

The Hill: February Newsletter



Saturday, February 11th
11am – Noon
For more info: http://crossfitmemorialhill.com/survivor-saturday
(There will be 9am Class, Open Gym 9am-11am and then Open Gym is over at 11am.)



Sunday, February 26th
10am – Noon
(There will be no CrossFit class this morning.)
Please RSVP at: https://facebook.com/events/1206789569407426/



Every Friday Feb 23rd-Mar 27th
Learn More >




WODs can be found here: http://crossfitmemorialhill.com/wod



We realize that sometimes you may want to do just a little extra. Formerly known as our “Competitor’s Training,” we offer Extra Work for those of you that would like to add some lifting, extra gymnastics skills, or another burner WOD to your day’s programming. So instead of scouring the inter-webs for programs that may or may not fit into your daily work, we’re providing some extra work that will give you a nice little strength/skill addition to your daily WODs without hindering your #gainz.


February’s Featured Athlete

Jake Kliewer


“Thank you to the owners and coaches for always striving to have the best gym in KC.” 

Lover of power cleans, muscle-ups, Chipotle and Kayla, get to know this month’s Featured Athlete!



From the Coach’s Corner

Tonos Radio: | Quesadilla Food Prep

What’s the best diet change to see improved body composition? Listen to this podcast and find out!  [Subscribe on iTunes]



“What is Confidence?”

Confidence may be closer than you think…



February Featured Athlete: Jake Kliewer


Lover of power cleans, muscle-ups, Chipotle and Kayla, get to know this month’s Featured Athlete!

Jake has a strong work ethic, is hungry to improve and consistently brings his A game to the gym. Be sure to give him a high five and share some encouragement with him on the whiteboard.




1. What’s your athletic background?

Soccer, basketball and cross country into and through high school. Then played collegiate soccer at the Div II and Div III levels.

2. What was your first experience with CF?

CrossFit Omaha, and may have puked after my first intro workout of box jumps, prowler pushes and sit-ups.  Started from a friend’s recommendation and seeing the 2012 Games on TV.

3. When did you start CF?

Jan 2013 (CrossFit Omaha).

4. Why did you choose CrossFit Memorial Hill?

When I moved to KC, I visited a few gyms before deciding. Chose Memorial Hill because of the space, equipment, amenities, flexible options with open gym and of course, the welcoming members and coaches.

5. What keeps you coming back?

Friends I’ve made over the past 2.5 years, challenging workouts and the owners’ dedication to make continual improvements and make it the best gym in the KC area.

6. Why do you live in KC and how do you like to spend your free time?

Moved to KC in June 2014 for work.  Work at Burns & McDonnell as a mechanical engineer.  Spend quite a bit of my free time at the gym but other than that with my fiance Kayla (currently planning our wedding) and hanging out with friends.

7. What do you like about KC?

KC is my favorite city I’ve lived in so far (out of Omaha, Rolla, Cleveland). I like the small big city atmosphere, where I am still only 20 min from all activities and that it has lots to offer in terms of sporting events and things constantly going on but don’t have to deal with bad traffic etc.

8. What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?

Physical improvements have been nice. I’ve gained almost 20 lbs of muscle since starting and love the feeling of lifting heavy weights and going for PR’s. Had always strayed away from lifting anything heavy after having back surgery in high school, but CrossFit has taught me it can still be done safely.  It has also helped provide balance in my life and is a great way to get my mind off work and other stresses.

9. What are your goals for 2017?

Finally learn how to handstand walk and to enjoy it more and not take it too seriously all of the time.

10. What would you say to someone thinking about starting CF?

To just jump in and try it, not to worry about what other people are doing because everyone started with the basics.  It’s been the best workout program I’ve ever done.

11. What’s your favorite & least favorite CF movement?

Favorite: Power cleans & muscle-ups

Least favorite: burpees & hspu

12. What’s your favorite cheat meal?

More so favorite meal in general: Chipotle

13. Anything else you would like to share with The Hill family?

Kayla and I will be adding the newest gym dog next week: Oakley the golden retriever. Also, a thank you to the owners and coaches for always striving to have the best gym in KC and make improvements, add equipment etc.

Fitness as personal finance


Your health is like a checking account – you make withdrawals and deposits.

Eh, sorta true. But let’s get real – that analogy is played out. I mean, who really gets into adulthood and approaches their personal finance with that attitude? Let’s try to mature the analogy a bit.

My dad took me to open a checking account when I was 8.

Maybe 7. Maybe 9. I don’t recall but I do remember the first time I made enough ($10) to open one up, we went straight to Sunflower Bank. I had no idea how to write a check or make deposits but I imagined my hard-earned $10 sitting in a magical vault guarded by guys with Uzis.

Two years later I opened a savings account. After a couple summers of sweeping warehouses, I had amassed a small ($50) fortune that needed to be leveraged at 1%-2% interest.

I think you see where I’m going. As we get older, our personal finance options turn into IRA’s, pensions, mortgages, life insurance, HSA’s – and the list goes on.

Your health will need to mature just the way your finance options mature.

Are you 6 months into a consistent training program? Great! Keep making those deposits in your checking account! Keep growing that balance.

Are you 2 years in? It’s probably time to open a Savings account and begin leveraging your fitness assets. What does this mean? Perhaps, it means you will begin to acquire some higher-level skills to keep you interested. Think: double-unders, pull-ups, muscle-ups, Weightlifting. Perhaps, it means you will develop strength as an asset to leverage. The idea here is to introduce the concept of Delayed Gratification into your training.

5 years in? Guess what – a checking account won’t suffice any longer. You’ll need to explore some more mature investment vehicles. Think about what you’re eating, how you’re sleeping, how you manage stress. How are your relationships? Are you of service to others when things aren’t going your way? Notice that I didn’t advise you to put more money in your checking account (read: I NEED TO TRAIN MORE!!!). Maybe you should explore some tax-deferred options. Has this metaphor gone too far?

You get the idea. As you mature as an athlete, so must your efforts. But, like personal finance, you shouldn’t open elaborate portfolios without mastering the simple balancing of a checkbook. You’ll know when it’s time. Good news: you have about a dozen awesome financial advisers at your disposal. Use them!

What kind of coach do I want to be?


“You should be a competitive CrossFit athlete if you choose to coach or open a gym.”

What kind of coach do I want to be?

I’ve thought about this a long, long time. It’s never taken me longer to write a post, in fact. So here it is. Not necessarily a manifesto, but a general roadmap. I’d like to be a coach that:

Gets it.


Ever heard the term “the cobbler’s son goes barefoot”? Owning a gym has never made this thought more crystal clear. I went into thinking yeah, I’ll be at the gym all day. It’ll be easy to get in some awesome training sessions. 

I’ve never been more wrong. It makes sense, though. Imagine if your only option to train was right outside the offices of your boss, all your employees and co-workers, and ALL of your clients, patients, and customers. It would be nearly impossible.

So, when I ask for 5 hours a week from my members I’m also asking it of myself. I get it. It’s really hard – but not impossible.

Is reasonable.

I don’t live like a monk and I don’t expect you to as well. At the time I’m writing this, we’re in the throes of playoff baseball. I’ll admit it, my diet takes a backseat most of October. But that’s cool. We’ll get back on the train in November.

I’m not a competitor. I’m not a fitness model. I haven’t built my career on Instagram. But I am a guy that has 4-5 huge projects in the air at any given time trying to prioritize my health, family, and future. I feel a strong bond with every athlete going through this same struggle.

Is proficient.

Being the “Alpha” athlete in the gym is an unattainable task. Trust me; I’ve talked with plenty of gym owners chasing this title. There will always be a 20-year old right behind you ready to crush the next WOD.

However, I want to be an example of mechanics & consistency. My WOD times won’t take me into retirement but sound mechanics will. That’s my hope for all my athletes: safe, fun, lifelong movement.

Is of service.

Strip away all the burpees and thrusters – all you have is a group of people looking to be better humans. The shortest path to that end is to be of service to others. Whenever I’m frustrated with my fitness results, business, relationships – you name it – this is the piece that’s always missing. It’s my hope that my athletes do the same.

The Basics of the Kettlebell Swing


The Basics of the Kettlebell Swing


To make the most of your kettlebell swing for power and consistency, and to optimize transferability to other exercises, make sure to nail these basics:

  • Perform a proper hip hinge, not a squat (like a good morning, not a wallball)
  • Practice your hip hinge in sets of 15-30 to ensure consistency
  • A Russian kettlebell swing brings the bell to your eyeballs, an American swings brings the bell overhead. Both are achieved by an agressive hip opening, not your arms. (Heavier Russian swings are generally preferred over light American swings.)
  • Your arms are ropes attaching the bell to your torso. Set your shoulders back and down and keep your grip loose but firm.
  • In conditioning workouts break your swings up into reasonable sets so your grip doesn’t fail and try to breath comfortably like you would during running, rowing or double unders.

Kettlebell swings can be used as a strength or a conditioning tool in CrossFit.


October Featured Athlete: Lydia Friz

October Featured Athlete: Lydia Friz

Lydia has been an important part of our community these past two years. She is a committed athlete who has come a long way since joining.

Lydia started CrossFit to return to the fundamentals of human movement and function.

Lydia found CrossFit after dealing with injuries and mobility issues in boxing. When she started afraid and nervous. She overcame the fear and anxiety by learning how to scale on her own, realizing her own strengths and making friends who were helpful and encouraging.

Lydia uses CrossFit to pursue her true passions: helping people and staying healthy.

Lydia said CrossFit is important to her now because it keeps her focused while studying in preparation for physical therapy school and she now has such a vital group of friends at The Hill. Lydia thinks physical therapy will be a good fit because she will be able to help others recover and exceed their own expectations for themselves.

Lydia and I took the time to write a little workout for us to do soon in class. This includes her favorite and least favorite exercises which are as follows:

  • Favorite barbell movement: hang power clean
  • Favorite gymnastics movement: ring dip
  • Least favorite mono-structural movement: rowing
  • Least favorite barbell movement: snatches

We will update this post soon with the dates for the workout. You’ll have to show up to learn what the workout is exactly. Gonna be a fun one

You’re a part of a sum

You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.

Jim Rohn’s famous words have been used EVERYWHERE. In business schools, corporate rallies, and – yes – even in fitness. Distilled down, he’s essentially saying: “surround yourself with decent people.”

Be the person you want to date.

I’ll never forget the words of my 9th grade chemistry teacher as I lamented my lack of homecoming date: “Stop looking for the person you want to take to the dance and be the person you want to take to the dance.”

Is the world always working against you? Do bad decisions happen to you? Is it the world’s fault when you don’t reach your goals?

Be a co-creator; Bring up someone’s average.

Instead of this focus on surrounding ourselves with a better 5 people, how about we try to be a better fifth? Instead of crapping on someone’s attempt at putting themselves out there – on their creating, momentum, success – why not stand beside them? Why not ask: “how can I help?”

Here’s your challenge this week: Come alongside someone attempting to gain momentum in any area of their life: diet, fitness, strength, career, family, education and become a Co-Creator. Bring up their average. Take the focus off yours and put it on bringing others up.

How can I help?